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Karaokê No Lives Matter - Tom MacDonald

Esta música é uma versão de No Lives Matter, popularizada por Tom MacDonald

Formatos incluídos:


O formato CDG (também chamado de CD+G ou MP3+G) é adequado para a maioria das maquinas de karaokê. Ele inclui um arquivo MP3 e a sincronização das letras.

É possível reproduzir arquivos mp4 num Mac OS X e Windows 7 por definição. Caso você use Windows XP ou Vista, voce precisa ter o Windows Media Player 12.

O programa KaraFun Windows Player lê esse formato, você pode baixar grátis. Esse eficiente formato pode armazenar múltiplas trilhas de audio adicionais e um fundo que se movimenta no ritmo da música.

Com sua compra, você poderá baixar o vídeo quantas vezes quiser em todos esses formatos.


Com coros (com ou sem vozes na versão KFN)

Tempo idêntico ao original: 130 BPM

Tonalidade idêntica ao original: Fám

Duração: 03:27 - Visualizar: 01:14

Ano de lançamento: 2020
Estilos: Rap & Hip-Hop, Em inglês
Autor Original: Tom MacDonald, Nova Paholek

Todo o conteúdo do nosso site é inteiramente reproduzido por nossos músicos no estúdio. Não usamos nenhuma parte das gravações originais e não fazemos uso de tecnologia de separação de stems por IA de nenhuma forma.

Letra No Lives Matter

Hip hop died, it's full of guys who cannot even rap
Media dividin' us by colors white or black
If you believe in Jesus these days
Christians get attacked
If you don't hate police then everybody thinks you're wack
And everything's so connected
Black Lives Matter got so aggressive
White folks who agree can't support the message
Both sides go to war 'cos they don't respect it
Our social climate from the global tension turned to total violence and a whole depression
We could unify and then all go against them but we let 'em divide us with votes and elections
Ay the music we bump
All about shootin' guns and doin' drugs
Ay woah
The things that we want are promoted subliminally through the songs like
You need a fast car
You need designer clothes
You need a rap star
To tell you to start poppin' pills
Hit the blunt and go live at the club 'till you're broke
It's all controlled by the elites
Put fake news all over our screens
Convincin' the right to go fight with the left and distract from the fact it's each other we need uh
Divided by race and religion
Segregated into teams uh
You're a white supremacist if you're not I guess you Antifa
Screamin' from the rooftops
Beat down, battered
Turned us on each other now no lives matter
If we do what the news wants blood gon' splatter
Turn us on each other 'till no lives matter
Freedom's dead
If you have an opinion take it back
People hate the president if you don't then you trash
Indoctrinate the nation usin' news and mainstream rap
The government abuses us
It's all part of the plan
And it's so confusin'
Black Lives Matter is a valuable movement
But All Lives Matter ain't racist or stupid
It's non-black humans who don't feel included
All colors fall under laws that govern the whole country and we all suffer
We're all broke and nobody recovers until we accept that we're all brothers
Ay the music we make
All about big booties and gettin' paid
Ay woah
We watch the news and it fills up our brains with violence and riots and race
Like this is a race war
You need to hate more
Get what you came for
You need some songs about Xanax and violence so you can escape more
What a vicious cycle we can't break away from
They control the culture
They control the paper
They're indoctrinatin' a whole generation 'till the patriots start to hate the nation
The music we love make us dumb and addicted
The news that we watch is brainwashin' the children
The viruses, riots and racist conditions ain't problems they're symptoms of life in this system
Screamin' from the rooftops
Beat down, battered
Turned us on each other now no lives matter
If we do what the news wants blood gon' splatter
Turn us on each other 'till no lives matter
The music will make you dumb
The media makes you hate
And they control 'em both
There ain't no escape
They put the world in a state of chaos
Economy crashin' and massive layoffs
Black against white or it's left versus right
Divide and conquer and control is the payoff
Screamin' from the rooftops
Beat down, battered
Turned us on each other now no lives matter
If we do what the news wants blood gon' splatter
Turn us on each other 'till no lives matter

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