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Karaokê Bed and Breakfast Man - Madness

Esta música é uma versão de Bed and Breakfast Man, popularizada por Madness

Formatos incluídos:


O formato CDG (também chamado de CD+G ou MP3+G) é adequado para a maioria das maquinas de karaokê. Ele inclui um arquivo MP3 e a sincronização das letras.

É possível reproduzir arquivos mp4 num Mac OS X e Windows 7 por definição. Caso você use Windows XP ou Vista, voce precisa ter o Windows Media Player 12.

O programa KaraFun Windows Player lê esse formato, você pode baixar grátis. Esse eficiente formato pode armazenar múltiplas trilhas de audio adicionais e um fundo que se movimenta no ritmo da música.

Com sua compra, você poderá baixar o vídeo quantas vezes quiser em todos esses formatos.


Com coros (com ou sem vozes na versão KFN)

Tempo: variável (aproximadamente 129 BPM)

Tonalidade idêntica ao original: Lá

Duração: 02:44 - Visualizar: 02:00

Ano de lançamento: 1979
Estilos: Ska, Pop, Em inglês
Autor Original: Mark William Bedford, Christopher John Foreman, Cathal Joseph Smyth, Daniel Mark Woodgate, Michael Barson, Lee Jay Thompson, Graham Mc Pherson

Todos os arquivos disponíveis para download são playbacks, e não as músicas originais.

Letra Bed and Breakfast Man

Well there's a man I know
At least I used to years ago
I didn't really mind
He used to come 'round all the time
Of course he had to be fed
I had to give him a bed
He used to kip on my sofa
They used to call him a loafer
I've heard he's changed a lot since then
But some of his ways he just can't mend
Told the other day when he'd offered to pay
He didn't like his dad
He earned all he'd ever had
He didn't have no shame
He was a master at his game
He never showed his hand
He was the bed and breakfast man
Oh oh oh he was
He was the bed and breakfast man
Hey hey he was
He was the bed and breakfast man
Hey hey he was
He was the bed and breakfast man
Hey hey he was
He was the bed and breakfast man
Hey hey he was
He was the bed and breakfast man
Hey hey he was
He was the bed and breakfast man
Hey hey he was
He was the bed and breakfast man
Hey hey he was
He was the bed and breakfast man
Hey hey he was
He was the bed and breakfast man
Hey hey he was
He was the bed and breakfast man

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