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Karaokê Fight of Our Lives - Descendants

Esta música é uma versão de Fight of Our Lives, popularizada por Descendants
Kylie Cantrall & Malia Baker

Formatos incluídos:


O formato CDG (também chamado de CD+G ou MP3+G) é adequado para a maioria das maquinas de karaokê. Ele inclui um arquivo MP3 e a sincronização das letras.

É possível reproduzir arquivos mp4 num Mac OS X e Windows 7 por definição. Caso você use Windows XP ou Vista, voce precisa ter o Windows Media Player 12.

O programa KaraFun Windows Player lê esse formato, você pode baixar grátis. Esse eficiente formato pode armazenar múltiplas trilhas de audio adicionais e um fundo que se movimenta no ritmo da música.

Com sua compra, você poderá baixar o vídeo quantas vezes quiser em todos esses formatos.


Com coros (com ou sem vozes na versão KFN)

Tempo idêntico ao original: 165 BPM

Tonalidade idêntica ao original: Mi♭m

A música começa a capella

Duração: 03:16 - Visualizar: 01:42

Ano de lançamento: 2024
Estilos: Filmes e séries de TV, Musical, Em inglês
Autor Original: Tim James, Adam Schmalholz, Thomas Armato Sturges, Antonina Armato

Todo o conteúdo do nosso site é inteiramente reproduzido por nossos músicos no estúdio. Não usamos nenhuma parte das gravações originais e não fazemos uso de tecnologia de separação de stems por IA de nenhuma forma.

Letra Fight of Our Lives

How naive to still believe you'll get a happy ever after
A privileged little princess
A fairy-fail disaster
Spoken like a slacker Red
You're seein' someone else
I worked hard for every single trophy sittin' on my shelf
You need help
You're a poser
You need help with a bad attitude
That's not true
You don't know the things that I've been through
Neither do you
Well then tell me little goody two-shoes
What do you think we should do
I'll tell it to you straight to your face
There isn't any time left to waste
My kingdom back home needs to be saved
Give me the pocket watch or you're gettin' slayed
You best behave
Tell your pack of cards
I'm comin' back to cut their deck
I could beat your evil army in a millisec
I'll slice them up like cheddar
My mom won't have forever
The clock is tickin' and it's time
That's why it's now or never
I'm runnin' out of hope
Runnin' out of time
I'll do what it takes just to change your mind
Or we'll cross swords
Hope not to die
We're on opposite sides in the fight of our lives
There's no future in the past
We gotta move forward not stay back
The moment is now but it won't last
We're on opposite sides in the fight of our lives
Use your brains
Goin' back will just cause more pain
We agree we gotta make a change
Defeat the Queen above everything
You're on my side or you're in my way
You wanna leave but I got to stay
There's a reason we're here today
For past, present and future's sake
Got too much at stake to go home
That's not true
Guess I'm gonna do it on my own
I'm here too
You're not gonna catch me if I fall
Got me runnin' on these walls
Dippin', flippin' somersaults
'Bout to risk it all
I don't need your help 'cos the watch is mine
If you hear me out then you'll change your mind
Let's not cross swords
Hope not to die
'Cos we're on opposite sides in the fight of our lives
Change the future in the past
We gotta move forward where we're at
The moment is now but it won't last
If we're on opposite sides in the fight of our lives
Let me ask you somethin'
Why should I trust you
Your mom just staged a violent coup
For all I know you're gonna stab me in the back too
Think what you want to boo
I'm nothin' like my mom
Her power trip was way too strong
I knew that she was wrong
Well maybe we'll get along
Maybe we're not that different
Maybe we need each other to complete the same mission
I'm glad you put your pride aside to make the right decision
We'll work together
We'll work together until history is rewritten until history is rewritten
We might not be a team but we gotta try
We might not be a team but we gotta try
Did you change your heart or just change your mind
Did you change your heart or just change your mind
So cross our swords
Hope not to die
So cross our swords
Hope not to die
I'm kinda surprised
Are we on the same side
I'm kinda surprised
Are we on the same side
Change the future in the past
We gotta move forward
Change the future in the past
We gotta move forward where we're at where we're at
The moment is now but it won't last
The moment is now but it won't last
So we're on the same side in the fight of our lives
So we're on the same side in the fight of our lives
Fight of our lives
Fight of our lives
The fight of our lives
The fight of our lives
We're on the same side
We're on the same side

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