Karaokê A Musical - Something Rotten! (musical)

Esta música é uma versão de A Musical, popularizada por Something Rotten! (musical)

Formatos incluídos:


O formato CDG (também chamado de CD+G ou MP3+G) é adequado para a maioria das maquinas de karaokê. Ele inclui um arquivo MP3 e a sincronização das letras.

É possível reproduzir arquivos mp4 num Mac OS X e Windows 7 por definição. Caso você use Windows XP ou Vista, voce precisa ter o Windows Media Player 12.

O programa KaraFun Windows Player lê esse formato, você pode baixar grátis. Esse eficiente formato pode armazenar múltiplas trilhas de audio adicionais e um fundo que se movimenta no ritmo da música.

Com sua compra, você poderá baixar o vídeo quantas vezes quiser em todos esses formatos.


Com coros (com ou sem vozes na versão KFN)

Tempo: variável (aproximadamente 128 BPM)

Tonalidade idêntica ao original: Si♭, Dó, Ré, Fá, Ré♭, Mi, Si

Duração: 07:51 - Visualizar: 04:52

Ano de lançamento: 2015
Estilos: Musical, Em inglês
Autor Original: Karey James Kirkpatrick, Wayne Kirkpatrick

Todo o conteúdo do nosso site é inteiramente reproduzido por nossos músicos no estúdio. Não usamos nenhuma parte das gravações originais e não fazemos uso de tecnologia de separação de stems por IA de nenhuma forma.

Letra A Musical

What the hell are musicals?
It appears to be a play where the dialogue stops
And the plot is conveyed through song
Through song?
Wait, wait, wait, so, an actor is saying his lines
And then out of nowhere he just starts singing?
Well that is the stupidest thing that
I have ever heard
You're doing a play got something to say
So you sing it? It's absurd
Who on Earth is going to sit there
While an actor breaks into song?
What possible thought could the audience think other than this is horribly wrong?
Remarkably they won't think that
Seriously? Why not?
Because, it's a musical
A musical
And nothing's as amazing as a musical
With song and dance and sweet romance
And happy endings happening by happenstance
Bright lights, stage fights and a dazzling chorus
You wanna be great then you gotta create a musical
I don't know
I find it hard to believe
People would actually pay to see something like this
Let's just say it's a Saturday night and you wanna go out on the town
Got a lady to flatter who might give it up if you don't let her down
You could go see a tragedy
But that wouldn't be very fun
Or a play from Greek mythology
See a mother have sex with her son, ew
You could go see a drama with all of that trauma and pain
Or go see something more relaxing
And less taxing on the brain
Go see a musical, a musical
A poppy piece releasing all your blues-icals
Where crooners croon a catchy tune
And limber-legged ladies thrill you 'till you swoon
Ooh's, ahh's, big applause and a standing ovation
The future is bright if you could just write
The future is bright if you could just write a musical a musical
Some make you happy
Some make you sad
Some are quite big
Some quite small
Some are too long
Some are just plays with song
Some musicals have no talking at all
No talking at all?
That's right, there's no talking
All of the dialog is sung in a very dramatic fashion
Um, really?
There's no talk
Yes, really
There's no talking
And they often stay on one note for a very long time
So that when they change to a different note you notice
And it's supposed to create a dramatic effect
But mostly you just sit there asking yourself why aren't they talking?
Sounds miserable
I believe it's pronounced misérables
And people actually like this?
No! They love it
And what's not to love?
It's such a delight there's nothing quite like a musical
Ooh, another vision
I haven't even told you the best part yet
Feel that fascinating rhythm move into your feet
Uh oh oh
Uh, what is that?
Feel your ass gyrating to that titillating beat
Oh, are you ok?
You slap your lap then finger-snap
That's when you know it's time to tap
What the hell are you doing now?
It's called a dance break
Apparently this happens in musicals as well
People on stage just burst into spontaneous dance
Why? Does it advance the plot?
Advance character?
Not necessarily
Because it's entertaining
Then why do it?
Five, six, seven, eight
Another vision
It's a musical, what do you talk?
What do you talk?
It's a musical, a Seussical?
No, a musical with girls on stage
We've got snappy repartee
And the women are risqué
And the chorus boys are kinda gay
A true, blue new musical
Stand back! It's a musical
Some musicals are very serious
A big, glittering musical, a musical
It's a musical for us
A big and shiny, mighty fine-y
Glitter, glitz, and chorus line-y
Bob your head and shake your heiney
It's a musical
It's a musical
Yes! I get it now!
We'll do a musical
No kidding
A musical
What could be more amazing than a musical?
With song and dance and sweet romance
And with a musical we might have half a chance
Ooh's, ahh's, big applause
Ooh's, ahh's, big applause
With everyone cheering for us
With everyone cheering for us
And for some unexplainable reason the crowd goes wild every time
When dancers kick in unison in one big wonderful line
And then you got yourself a musical
And then you got yourself a musical
A musical
A musical
A la la la la la la la
A la la la la la la la
With flashy style
With flashy style and a big, fake smile and a big, fake smile
A snazzy band, some jazzy hands
A snazzy band, some jazzy hands
I swear that I'll
I swear that I'll
Cross my heart, hope to die
If it isn't a doozy
Cross my heart, hope to die
If it isn't a doozy
Take it from me
They'll be flocking to see
Your star-lit, won't quit
Your star-lit, won't quit
Big hit, musical
Big hit, musical
A big hit musical
A big hit musical

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