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Você está aproveitando ao máximo os seus Playbacks Personalizados?

Learn all about the important features of our Playbacks Personalizados and get some favorite tips from our users. Ready? Let's go!

Mix and remix for free

If you’ve purchased a Playback Personalizado, you can access it and mix it as often as you’d like. Just check your Meus arquivos within your account and click on the Change link found to the right of the song you'd like to modify.

Search by criteria

Search by year, language, genre, key, singer, BPM and the list goes on. Search and find exactly what you are looking for in just a few clicks on the page Os melhores Playbacks Personalizados.

Song info

Did you know that at the top of every song page, you'll find the tempo, key of the original version, fade out (should it exist) and the duration of the song?


Want to hear an instrument only to the left, to the right or centered? It's possible thanks to the panning feature.

Intro count and click

Available on the majority of songs, the intro count and click is an option available for those of you wanting to follow the rhythm to perfection. Don’t find one for the song in question, let us know and we will try to make it happen for you.

Create your own accompanying orchestra

In one click, choose the instruments that you want to hear with the Mute and S (solo) buttons. They're perfect for practicing your instrument at home with the feeling of a real orchestra at your side.

Change key

Song key too high or low? Changing a song's key is allowed +/-2 semi-tones in one click! Careful though, this feature can reduce the quality of sound.

Try it for free! We've got lots of Playbacks Personalizados gratuitos to get you started. And remember that if you can’t find what you are looking for you can make a suggestion, vote on a song and/or activate an alert. And if a song is only available as a Playback Voz, don't hesitate to click on the link "Pedir o Playback Personalizado" at the top right of the page.

To note: our latest additions can be found weekly on our blog and our Facebook Page.

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